The Science of Getting Rich PDF

Many people all over the world search daily for The Science of Getting Rich PDF. This famous work by Wallace Wattles is an enduring classic, and the PDF version of this book is available below as a free download. Although this publication dates back over 100  years, it is timeless and full of helpful tips for anyone …Read More

Enjoy the Holiday and Start Working Toward Success in 2014!

I would like to wish everyone a very prosperous, happy, and relaxing holiday season! Are you ready for success in 2014? Between now and the new year, many have the opportunity to enjoy time with friends and family, as well as reflect on their success in 2013 and look forward to the future. To me, …Read More

One Way to Eliminate Negative Thinking and Open Doors

As a home business entrepreneur, you want to eliminate negative thinking and make a success of your business. When you eliminate negative thinking, you open doors to greater possibilities in your home business, and in your life too! You know that a positive attitude is a must, and hopefully you do some reading or listening …Read More

Only One Way to Make Money With Your Own Business

Is there really only one way to make money with your own business? Absolutely. It’s really just three simple fundamental steps, which when followed, can almost ensure that you will be successful with whatever business you are doing. This short post today is meant to give you food for thought, and something to focus on. …Read More

Creating Prosperity With a Home Business

How does creating prosperity and abundance with a home business sound to you? Are you ready to find out what a home business can do for you? There is no time like right now to take action! When you decide to go for it, creating prosperity for yourself and your family can be a reality. …Read More

Hang In There, Don’t Give Up!

Sometime you might reach a low point in life, or in your home business efforts, or both! Sometime, it seems so easy to just quit and give up. Things happen. We all make mistakes. We sometime procrastinate and don’t do what we should. But always remember, there is hope! One of my friends and business …Read More

Becoming a Leader in Your Business

Are you ready to step up and become a leader in your business? Maybe you already have, but if there is any doubt in your mind, read on. Becoming a leader in your network marketing business means the difference between mediocrity (with moderate to low income) and high achievement (the level where you achieve financial …Read More

Thank You Zig Ziglar

Like many, I’m sad to hear of the recent passing of Zig Ziglar. This man was truly one of the great master motivators and leaders of our time. One thing I always enjoyed was Zig’s folksy down to earth humor, and his ability to really get to the heart of things quickly. His teaching style …Read More

50 Life Lessons by Regina Brett

It’s good to take a break sometime and reflect on life and appreciate wisdom that is shared by others. While waiting for my oil to be changed today, I noticed a sign on the wall. It was a list of “45 Lessons Life Taught Me“, by a lady named Regina Brett who is a columnist …Read More

Home Business Radio Network Economic Freedom Contest

As you may already know, I am a show host on the Home Business Radio Network, and my show is called “The Eldon Beard Show“. My show focus is on success in network marketing, blogging, SEO, and getting found online. I’ve very excited to announce that we have just launched our Economic Freedom Summer Contest …Read More