Is there really only one way to make money with your own business?
It’s really just three simple fundamental steps, which when followed, can almost ensure that you will be successful with whatever business you are doing.
This short post today is meant to give you food for thought, and something to focus on. No fluff or filler, this is the real deal. Ask youself, am I doing these things?
Let’s take a look at those three simple fundamental steps I am talking about.
Step 1: Choose an opportunity, or commit to the one you are already in.
Step 2: Take the daily action steps that your successful coaches and mentors are teaching you. These are people who are making money in your business and know what works.
Step 3: Keep doing Steps 1 & 2 over and over. Rinse and repeat.
These three simple steps don’t seem hard, do they? Yet, for whatever reasons, business opportunity seekers quit on businesses they never really get started with, all the time. Care to speculate as to why this happens?
I think the reasons vary, but underneath it all lies one BIG cause that covers a ton of bases. FEAR.
Fear of what friends think. Fear of what Uncle Barney or others in your family might think. Fear of success (yes, a real fear for some people). Fear of failing at the business. Fear of _________.
Here is my challenge to you today. Just do it. Take the three simple steps above to heart, get everything in line, and just do it. Make money with your own business.
The one thing that defeats fear and sends it packing is taking action. What do you have to lose? If you take the proven actions that lead to success, you will make money with your own business. Anyone can do this.
Why should you not be part of the top 10% instead of a mid-pack finisher? Don’t accept mediocrity, choose to stand out and be different. You will never regret it.
Did you get some value from this post? If you did, I would really appreciate you sharing it with others! And, your comments are welcome below!
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Hi Eldon. This really is the ultimate advice. I was at Dan Kennedy’s event recently, and he said something that always makes me cringe every time I hear it. He said that the most successful marketers are not necessarily the smartest people. Highly intelligent people question everything and have a tendency to be creative, while other people follow directions. I am not a genius, but I know I fall into the former category, and I’m trying to get over it! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
All the best,
Hey Leslie, I think Dan Kennedy made a great point there! I know lots of smart and creative people who have failed miserably in business, because they try to design their own approach and systems before they really understand what they are doing. Much better to follow directions from those who have achieved success, and get your business in profit and growing. Then, when you really understand what it takes, unlease a little of that creativity. 🙂