HBS 006: How to Make Your Content Stand Out in Your Niche

how to make your content stand outWhat is your first BIG objective when you’re blogging or writing articles to help promote yourself, your opportunity, or your product/service? How to make your content stand out from the crowd!

That’s it! If you have chosen a profitable business, you are out there facing a lot of competition.

The competition from others offering the same opportunity, product, or service can be fierce.

It is easy to get lost in the crowd and go un-noticed….

In this podcast, you’ll discover some actionable ideas and ways to make YOUR content stand out more.

  • the big mistake to avoid when creating content on common topics
  • how to inject your own personality and style into your content
  • how even a inexperienced marketer can create unique and interesting content
  • three keys to “standing out from the crowd” in your niche

As always, I will appreciate your feedback, either here or privately!

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Eldon Beard, Home Business Success Coach

If you have a home business and are happy, that's good. If you are looking for the right opportunity, the right mentor, and something you can build online, I would enjoy the opportunity to share what I'm doing. Click here and let’s explore the possibilities.

About Eldon Beard

Making money with a home business should be fun! I help others create a profitable global business from anywhere using an Internet connection and a phone. Send me a message and let's talk! Connect with me on Google+.


  1. Hi Eldon,
    Wonderful to be connecting with you again! I listened to your podcast and your discussion is excellent. Content creation and how to make it unique is a real challenge for many and you clear up some of the challenges to doing so ..

    • Eldon Beard says:

      Thank you Lesly, I chose this topic because many bloggers seem to struggle with content ideas, and my tips are some of the idea sparks that I’ve found useful.

  2. Hi Eldon,

    The more blog posts I read the more ideas I come up with for the new year and you are right, you have to be different from the rest. Sometimes a hard task to do but it can be done because there is no other like you, me or anyone else.

    Have a great New Year.

    • Eldon Beard says:

      Mona, you have it right, it is so important to be who you are and not try to be someone else. Sometime you have to work to bring out the real “you”, but it’s worth it.

  3. The biggest thing is to go above and beyond, and be very thorough in your content. The more passionate you are about your niche, the easier it is to come up with what you want to create… whether a blog post, a podcast, a video, or image.

  4. Hey Eldon,

    I have found writing about what i am passionate about makes writing a breeze. In addition my niche is about things that happen in my everyday life and conversations I have so content creation is fairly easy for me. My hardest thing is finding the time!

    Great podcast!


  5. You’ve given us some great ideas for bolstering our niche authority, Eldon.

    We need to work on making our content highly relevant to our readers, and we need to always keep in mind what their typical problems are. If we’re offering them solutions to those problems, they’ll keep coming back for more, and will come to rely on us for for our authority and leadership.

    This certainly helps us stand out in the crowd.

    • Eldon Beard says:

      Especially in the home business niche David, where we’re seeking to attract customers and business partners, offering solutions to common frustrations and problems is a big key to success.

  6. Well said Eldon! I downloaded your podcast to listen to again a little later and make sure I get all the tips. As a writer I know all about the value of standing out from the crowd, but I don’t think you can ever take that for granted because everyday there are hundreds if not thousands of new people jumping online. Thanks for the inspiration!

    • Eldon Beard says:

      Hey Marquita, with so many new people constantly coming online, your potential reach increases every day but you have to put something out there to help yourself be unique and different from the norm. You are right on.

  7. Hi Eldon,

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on how to stand out from the crowds. It seems to be my greatest challenge. My branding coach is always assuring me that I am different; however, I do not see it yet.

    BTW, you have a great ‘radio’ voice 🙂

  8. Eldon Beard says:

    Thank you Rachel! 🙂

  9. Eldon,

    You have made a valuable point, that we need to find our own voice to make our own content appealing to our readers, even if they have read similar articles before. But there is a point you have missed here. Every day, there are new people who have just arrived in the online world to build their business. So even though a topic has been discussed hundreds of times before, if that person has not yet read this content and happens to stumble upon your article, then you can either captivate the person or send them away in a hurry.

    It is good to keep the podcasts about 3-5 minutes on a blog post since so many of us have a short attention span.


    Dr. Erica

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