HBS 014: Blogging on Purpose for Success and Fortune

Publishing your own blog is a very effective way to get more traffic, more leads, and more sales and enrollments for your home business. From time to time, I go out and take a look at various home business blogs. There often seems to be a lack of focus. Sometime it seems that the blog’s …Read More

HBS 006: How to Make Your Content Stand Out in Your Niche

What is your first BIG objective when you’re blogging or writing articles to help promote yourself, your opportunity, or your product/service? How to make your content stand out from the crowd! That’s it! If you have chosen a profitable business, you are out there facing a lot of competition. The competition from others offering the …Read More

HBS 004: Do You Need a Blog to Promote Your Online Business?

Do you need to start a blog in order to have success with your online home business? That question inspires quite a bit of debate. Blogging is a responsibility, it takes time, and there are only so many hours in a day. So is maintaining a blog worth the time and effort it takes? Will …Read More

How to Increase Blog Traffic Using Forums

If you are looking for ways to increase blog traffic to your home business blog, don’t overlook the power of establishing a strong presence in forums related to your niche. In the same way that people use blog commenting to draw visitors, becoming a powerful contributor to forums related to your niche can get a …Read More

Getting Found Online – Recent Changes Affecting Search

For anyone interested in getting found online, I want to share an observation about some changes that are affecting search marketing in general. Getting found online when people search Google and other engines looking for what you are offering is the goal of search marketing. It can be a business opportunity, a product, or perhaps …Read More

Online Video Marketing for Home Business Success

Online video marketing is a very effective way to promote your home business and get found online more easily. Video is a hot item these days, and Google and the other search engines love it! Video also engages your visitors and gives them a better idea of who you are and what it would be …Read More

Do You Need a Blog to Promote Your Business Online?

Everyone talks about it….but as a home business owner, do you REALLY need a blog to promote your business online? Blogging is one way to establish your presence on the Internet and show the world who you are and what you do. Google and other search engines love frequently updated content, which is what a …Read More

More Topics to Blog About

Looking for more topics to blog about? All of us have “writer’s block” from time to time. Even the most accomplished bloggers will have occasions when their creativity seems to go dry. Use these as idea starters when you get stuck and can’t think of anything to blog about. Share a YouTube video (inspirational or …Read More

Get Better Google Ranking With a WordPress Blog

Can you get better Google ranking with a WordPress blog? This question often comes up when home business people are deciding whether to publish a conventional website with just a few pages or go with the trend toward blogging. For the last several years, blogging and blogs have become all the rage online. It’s well …Read More

Five Ways to Repurpose Your Blog Content

If you’re frequently posting good content to your home business blog, don’t let it stop there. You’ve already invested significant time creating this quality blog content, so why not re-purpose it and let it drive even more traffic to your blog? If you blog content is enlightening, educational, or entertaining (not just about your opportunity) …Read More