Use Possibility Thinking to Get Things Done

Use possibility thinking to get things doneNext time you are facing a challenging task that seems daunting, perhaps virtually impossible to achieve with the time and resources you have at hand, try looking at the challenge a little differently.

Instead of thinking along the lines of “there is so much to do that I just don’t see how I’ll get it done by the end of the week”, turn the situation around. Put something in motion to help you get it done. Engage “possibility thinking“.

Let’s say you need to contact 20 prospects for your network marketing home business.

Rather than dwell on all the many reasons you can’t get it done, look at your challenge from a different angle.

How can I contact twenty prospects for my network marketing business by Saturday?

Just thinking of your project in this way sets your mind in motion to look for ways to get it done. There is something about it that sets your subconscious to the task of looking for ways and solutions.

I felt a little overwhelmed this past weekend. I had a project laid out that required creating a certain number of videos and Powerpoint presentations by the end of this week.

Then, I started thinking about other things I had to do…it was a busy week even without scheduling these productions…and I felt pretty stressed. Then, I remembered how I had used “possibility thinking” to put a different light on seemingly impossible situations in the past.

After I asked myself  “how can I get these presentations done by Saturday?”, I figured out when I could do it and put everything into a routine that should get the job done.

Assuming that what you want to do is actually “doable” in the time you want it done, look at it with the “how can I get this done” attitude instead of the “I don’t know how I can do this” approach. It really makes a world of difference.

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Eldon Beard, Home Business Success Coach

If you have a home business and are happy, that's good. If you are looking for the right opportunity, the right mentor, and something you can build online, I would enjoy the opportunity to share what I'm doing. Click here and let’s explore the possibilities.

About Eldon Beard

Making money with a home business should be fun! I help others create a profitable global business from anywhere using an Internet connection and a phone. Send me a message and let's talk! Connect with me on Google+.


  1. Van Hire UK says:

    Nice post. Instead of thinking along the lines of “there is so much to do that I just don’t see how I’ll get it done by the end of the week”, turn the situation around. Put something in motion to help you get it done. Engage “possibility thinking“. Possibility Thinking is the best approach to get the things done & they are even achieved. Thanks for sharing this meaningful article.

  2. Eldon Beard says:

    Appreciate you stopping by Van!

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