Blast Off – Get Your Home Business Blog Off the Ground

how to get more traffic to your blogIf you’ve recently launched your home business blog, you know that one of your challenges is getting traffic and prospects to visit.

This is probably one of the most discouraging times for many new bloggers, given that you can post new content daily for literally months without seeing much spike in traffic – unless you do certain things as you go along.

Even if you use good SEO (search engine optimization) techniques in your blogging, it can take quite a while to get any meaningful listings in Google, thus you can’t expect a lot of traffic from searches for a while unless you opt for paid advertising such as Google Adwords.

So, rather than get discouraged and slow or stop your blogging efforts, how can you start building momentum and getting some traffic?

Do some searches and find other home business / MLM / network marketing blogs. Look for interesting posts that you enjoy and find useful, then do these things to start with:

  • make comments
  • retweet posts you enjoy
  • Facebook like or share content you like

These actions get your home business blog link out there too, and many of the other bloggers will visit yours and reciprocate. Over time, this will build up a mass of comments on your posts, as well as links back to you. The result will be more visitors and potential prospects.

Bear in mind this doesn’t happen overnight. In the beginning you may not see much effect right away. It’s doing these actions consistently and daily that makes things happen and attracts prospects to you.

A quick and effective way to get this moving is by using social tribes to network with other home business owners who all have a common goal – more exposure and traffic.

The key to all this is following the golden rule of social media and networking communities – to get others to visit and share your content, get out there and share theirs. The more you give and strive to help others, the more they will help you.

Try it, it works!

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Eldon Beard, Home Business Success Coach

If you have a home business and are happy, that's good. If you are looking for the right opportunity, the right mentor, and something you can build online, I would enjoy the opportunity to share what I'm doing. Click here and let’s explore the possibilities.

About Eldon Beard

Making money with a home business should be fun! I help others create a profitable global business from anywhere using an Internet connection and a phone. Send me a message and let's talk! Connect with me on Google+.

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