One of the first things you need to know and understand, to ensure maximum success in your home based business, is WHY you’re building your business. What is motivating you to do this?
It might be a desire for extra income to help with household expenses, money to create a college fund for your kids, or maybe a strong desire to become fully independent and free from your regular job.
Whatever your reason for starting your home business, this is really important. Without a clear vision of WHY you’re building your business, it will be harder to sustain the enthusiasm and consistent effort required to make money and achieve success.
Once you have your WHY clearly in mind, be sure to write it down. This may not seem like a big deal, but it is very important. A lot of people say it, and I know it may be hard to understand why, but something about writing your WHY down helps to make it more clear and meaningful. It should be written down, and kept in a place where you can go back and reflect on it from time to time.
Here are a few things to help you along as you define your WHY, along with actions you need to plan. Take some time with this in the beginning and make sure you have an emotional connection to it. It must really mean a lot to you in order to be a real motivator to action.
Write down your WHY (full time income, financial independence, whatever it is for you). Once you have that, drill down and make it very focused and meaningful. Get down to where the emotion is. Is your desire to provide a better home for your family? To stay home with your children? To help others in need? To pursue a special interest or passion that you’ve always dreamed of?
Whatever it is, make sure the final result is something you feel strongly about. Something that means a LOT to you. Something that drives you and helps you spring out of bed in the morning looking forward to the day.
Once you have your WHY well defined, put a date on it. Set a general timetable for achieving it. This can be, realistically, 3-5 years of sustained and focused effort. Maybe less, depending on your circumstances and special skills.
Next, identify any obstacles that might slow you down or hinder your progress. Be prepared for them and be ready to blow past them. Anticipate some of these obstacles and be prepared, mentally, to kick them aside if you encounter them.
Create a plan of action that will realistically get you where you want to be (if you are in network marketing, your upline team should help with this).
Be a willing student – and apply what you learn. You will have training available, and help from upline mentors who are already where you want to be – listen and learn from them.
Getting your WHY down first, then formulating a realistic action plan, then working your plan consistently – this is the key to success.
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