People make money from home in different ways. In my case, I chose a network marketing business. Others prefer some type of direct selling or home party plan business. Still others make money by mastering Internet marketing skills and selling products and services online directly to consumers.
Unfortunately, not everyone who attempts to make money from home actually finds success.
Earlier this year, a prospect for my business called and wanted to know more about what I was doing. As we discussed network marketing, he admitted that he was somewhat skeptical of the whole thing. He had seen and heard of many people losing far more money than they made. We chatted for a few minutes and then agreed to perhaps talk again later.
He had opted in to our auto-responder follow up system to learn more about our business. Over time, in addition to facts about the products and business itself, we send out success stories about people who have done well with our opportunity.
So, a couple weeks later this particular prospect received an email with a story about an associate who had started from scratch and built a very solid business (full time income) in just two years. This prompted him to call and ask a very interesting and legitimate question.
“I see these success stories, but can’t believe that many are having this much luck. Please tell me why more people don’t make money from home with network marketing or any other home business for that matter?”
There are lots of ways to answer this question. I thought about it for a while, then decided to focus on one particular trait that is common among all successful home business owners that I know.
Here is how I answered the question.
Starting a home based business is a serious venture that requires significant commitment and dedication before getting involved. However, most people don’t come on board with that level of commitment, thus the failure rate appears to be awfully high.
Most home business opportunities don’t cost much to get involved. You can start a network marketing business, with virtually unlimited potential for success, for as little as $100 to $500 depending on the opportunity. Some less. With that level of investment, it can be a pretty easy decision to quit when things get tough. A high level of commitment isn’t really required to “give it a try” in this case.
Compare that to a traditional retail storefront business, started by investing in a franchise. Many franchise operations will cost in excess of $100,000 just to get started, not to mention ongoing operating costs and dealing with employees and related issues.
Anyone who can come up with that kind of money to start a business is going to plan it out and take it seriously from the start. There won’t be any “trying it out”, it will be more like “we will make this work whatever it takes”.
A new franchise owner will likely not make any significant profit for several months. Are they going to be in a position to quit and go try something else? Will they throw up their hands and shut it down if friends and family tell them they are crazy for thinking they can make money with their own business?
Success in home business starts with a commitment to success and doing whatever it takes. With that commitment, there won’t be the option to give up if your check in month three is only $50. There won’t be the strong temptation to quit when a few close friends turn down the opportunity to go into business with you.
It’s all about commitment and making a decision to do what it takes. When you only invest a few dollars to start something, you can easily discard it and never have a second thought.
People fail to make money from home with network marketing, direct sales, Internet marketing, and every other business you can think of. The root cause is often lack of true passion and commitment.
Making a decision to do “whatever it takes” and being willing to grow and learn is the first step.
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Eldon these are some great points and if people really open their minds to what you are saying they would see the power and simplicity of network marketing. Not that it is not hard work but the benefits are well worth it.
This is very helpful information! Since I started making money online the first thing I do is to market using some ads. I kinda believe that their are some secrets that millionaire do to make huge amount of money. So far I am aiming on targeting lots of ways to have some different kinds of business on the internet.