What do you feel was your biggest mistake in your network marketing journey? I’m going to reveal mine today, in hope of helping as many networkers as possible avoid losing momentum and potential income from their business. I was inspired by a post on Better Networker this morning. While that post was framed in the …Read More
My Biggest Mistake in Network Marketing
Home Business Marketing – Are You Feeling Overwhelmed?
Home business marketing – everything you do to promote your home business, both online and offine – can become quite confusing and stressful. Even if you are working a business model that comes with a simple step-by-step marketing plan, it is human nature to want to explore as many other options as possible. Just about …Read More
How to Create Content for Your MLM Blog
If you’ve created your own MLM blog to help promote your business online, you might reach a point where it seems difficult to come up with things to write about. You don’t really want every post to be about your company or products, so what else can you write about? First, know that your odds …Read More
Self Promotion on Traditional Message Boards and Forums
Promoting yourself and your network marketing or home based business on the Internet should be approached from a variety of angles. You do want to participate in the popular social networks like Facebook, but also Did you get some value from this post? If you did, I would really appreciate you sharing it with others! …Read More