Easy Way to Share Your MLM Business With Prospects

If you’ve been wondering how to more effectively share your MLM business with prospects, especially people you know, I’d like to share an approach that I’ve found to work very well. When sharing your opportunity, especially through email, the tendency is to send a link and ask them to check it out. How many times …Read More

My Biggest Mistake in Network Marketing

What do you feel was your biggest mistake in your network marketing journey? I’m going to reveal mine today, in hope of helping as many networkers as possible avoid losing momentum and potential income from their business. I was inspired by a post on Better Networker this morning. While that post was framed in the …Read More

How to Impress Your Prospects

Do you want to impress your prospects so that they remember you when the time is right, and not your competition? In a perfect network marketing business world, all of our best prospects would come on board right away, and life would be good. But realistically, more often than not, your prospects will also be …Read More

What About MLM Prospects Who Want a Local Sponsor?

Ever had a nice chat with one of your long distance MLM prospects, and had them express reservations about signing up with someone who doesn’t live close to their local area? Maybe they just came out and asked you if you knew anyone in their area they could sign up with? While this might not …Read More

Why Won’t Your MLM Prospects Be Honest?

Have you ever had the feeling that some of your MLM prospects just won’t tell you the truth? How many times have you had someone express an interest in your business, say they will take a particular action, then nothing happens? I really don’t believe that people necessarily intend to lie or be dishonest, but …Read More

The Perfect Prospect for Your Network Marketing Business

If you had a magic MLM lead magnet that would attract the perfect prospect for your network marketing business, what would that person be like? I know that sounds awfully obvious. When I first started my business, I would have said that my perfect prospect is someone who “wants to make money from home”. I’m …Read More