Developing the mindset of a network marketing pro is necessary to achieve success in this industry.
What sets the pro apart from others who enter the arena, but walk away defeated without making any money or achieving success? Much is said about mindset, belief, positive thinking, and goal setting. All of these things are part of the big picture.
Assuming you’ve found a quality opportunity with a solid company that markets a superior product, what’s next? What do you do now to move from where you are to becoming a pro in this business?
Here are five characteristics of a successful network marketing pro.
1) You understand right up front that you are responsible for your business and your own success. Your sponsor and upline team can participate in your growth by training and helping you do the right things, but ultimately they cannot build your business and make you succeed or fail. You, the pro, know it’s up to you to take initiative and do what it takes.
2) You know that investing time and money in your business is essential. There will be expenses for advertising and marketing, as well as a commitment of time. Most people start out in network marketing while working a full time job and supporting a family, so finding business time can be challenging.
One solution to a time crunch is giving up certain things that you can live without (depends on you, some people watch a lot of TV for example) and devoting that time to business. Keeping the important family time but giving up things that won’t help build your future.
3) You have done your research, thought it through, and you are sold on your products and the company you represent. You move forward with confidence. You are a product of your products – you know that amateur network marketers sometime don’t even use the products they are selling. You know that doesn’t make sense and are excited to receive yours every month.
4) You know that daily action is crucial to success, and you answer the call. Even on days when you’re tired or otherwise don’t feel like it, you to take action to promote and build your business. As a network marketing pro, you are a self starter and nobody has to motivate you or push you to take action. You know what to do, and you get it done.
5) You fully understand the value of education. You stay up to date with company and upline training, participate in team training calls, attend company and team events whenever possible, and are always anxious to learn how to promote your opportunity more effectively and get better results.
Becoming a network marketing pro is dependent on several things, but the very foundation for being a pro starts with your attitude and mindset. Your business should be a business, not just something you do as a hobby or a justification to take home business tax deductions. You have to know what you really want, have written goals that clearly define your path, and be committed to making it happen.
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Great posting my friend!
Really, what it comes down to after all of those wonderful points you made, is commitment in making a choice.
This posting reveals the roots of a powerful home based business foundation.
Thanks Dereck, commitment in making a choice is indeed huge!
I think this subject is sooo important. We need to be professionals in this industry if we want the industry as a whole to be respected. I appreciate other leaders calling network marketers to professional action. It is such an awesome profession. 😉
Awesome profession – yes Melodie!
Solid article. Every network marketer needs to read and re-read this until they get it. It’s NOT a hobby. It’s not a past time. It’s not a sometime thing. If that’s what it is for you, then you will need to accept the idea of making sometime money. And most people can’t deal with that. They want part-time income from spare time work. Even if you want part-time income $200 to $500 a month, then you need to treat it like a business, like an investment in your future. You need to make a list of the daily Money-Making activities that actually make money in your business and then go ahead and do them on good days and on bad. Calling your downline and asking them if they are doing what they should be doing, generally doesn’t generate income.
Make sure you are trained properly and make sure you have the right attitude!
Jupiter Jim
Hi Jim, doesn’t make sense to call your downline to ask them if they are doing what they should be doing. They will tend to do what you do – you have to set the example.
Great article!! Yes there are so many of us who get in and then expect others to do the work!! Just because we have no idea what it is like to be the “boss”. I have been in the NWM industry for several years, seen many people come and go and many stay, but just wanting to be part of something. It certainly takes attitude and mindset and I also believe a big decisions to make it no matter what! ‘Knowing’ that it is possible even when the going is tough!
No doubt, Holly, “knowing that it is possible even when the going is tough” is what carries you through across those annoying plateaus you hit, where you wonder if what you’re doing is even worth it.