What is the right way to prepare for success in network marketing?
I like to blog about this topic from time to time, because I was once in this trap and I don’t want you to fall into it.
This is a trap that is easy to fall into, because you are actually taking action related to your home business, just not enough of the right action for success.
How can you fall into this trap?
by preparing for success in network marketing by doing certain things that seem logical, but putting too much emphasis on these things…
Here’s the deal. Maybe you have just started your MLM business. Or, you’ve done a little bit of business building and are ready to get serious. In either case, you are pretty fired up and enthusiastic about getting started on the right foot.
So….you begin your journey to success in network marketing by preparing and organizing yourself. Let’s be clear on one thing, preparation and organization is essential to building a powerful and enduring residual income in this business. You do need a clear plan, and a path to follow.
The trap you can fall into is “over preparation”, which can lead to paralysis and lack of meaningful action. No meaningful action toward building your business means no real business and no income.
Over preparation and excessive planning for perfection can be symptoms of a lack of confidence, or a fear of stepping out and taking action. Sometime well meaning network marketers feel intimidated and afraid of talking to people about their business, so they spend lots of time studying and preparing to talk to people – later on.
It’s procrastination that destroys your opportunity to actually make money with your opportunity.
Do you do any of these things? They are symptoms of over preparation and over planning.
- spending a lot of time thinking about ways to promote your opportunity, debating and pondering what might be most effective
- organizing a little corner you’ve set up to be your “home office” – but never quite finishing the project and dwelling on it
- daydreaming about the big successes you will have….and what you are about to go out and do….when you get everything ready…
- reading network marketing success books, making lots of notes, and telling yourself that you are preparing for greatness
None of the above actions are bad, in fact all of these things have a place in your overall plan for success in network marketing. The key is, how much of your available business building time do you spend on this type of activity?
Here are some things to ask yourself, and compare the amount of time you spend on these “people focused” actions to whatever else you do for your business.
- How many new prospects did I find for my opportunity in the last week?
- How many people did I actually talk to about my business in the last week?
- How many follow-ups did I do with people I’ve talked to previously?
- How many new associates have I helped get started in the last month?
The numbers here are a pretty good predictor of your success and income in network marketing.
Success in network marketing, or any “people oriented” home based business, is directly related to how many live contacts you actually make. Getting leads on the Internet and using systems to pre-qualify and sort prospects is great, but how many of them are you actually having a conversation with?
Get organized, plan your strategy, spend time on self improvement, just don’t spend all your time on these things. Make talking to real, live prospects your top priority and you’ll see massive results in your network marketing business.
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Awesome post thank you so much for this informative post. I agree that network marketers feel intimidated and afraid of talking to people about their business