Do you want to impress your prospects so that they remember you when the time is right, and not your competition?
In a perfect network marketing business world, all of our best prospects would come on board right away, and life would be good.
But realistically, more often than not, your prospects will also be actively seeking information from others.
They could be….
- sponsor shopping and talking to one or more other distributors in your company
- looking at other opportunities to get a feel for what is right for them
- less focused on a specific opportunity but more on working with a team they can feel a part of
The art of being a skilled relationship builder and networker doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Some people are naturally shy and less outgoing, others just don’t feel totally comfortable (yet) working with people.
But you know what? I believe anyone can learn to be good at this. If it doesn’t just come naturally, applying consistent effort and thought can turn it all around for you. That’s great news!
Let’s look at a few “people skills” that will not only help you impress your prospects, but set you apart in their mind as someone who would be pleasant to work with. That is powerful!
Interested People Are More Memorable
Being truly interested in your prospects makes you stand out like crazy. You know what most people do? They pretend to be interested, but really are just going through some motions that they were taught.
Do you ever have “conversations” with people who ask questions about you that seem sincere, but you can tell they aren’t really listening? You can sense they are focused on what they will say next and not on what you are saying?
Really listen and be genuinely interested. It may take practice, you can’t fake this.
The Most Beautiful Sound
What is that beautiful sound that your prospects love to hear? Their name. In a world where people are busier and more standoffish than ever before, just remembering someone’s name and using it from time to time really makes a difference.
Don’t overdo it. I’ve met people who seem determined to use my name in almost every sentence. Eldon, so nice to meet you. So Eldon, how do you feel about relationship marketing? Eldon, let’s discuss how this can help your business. That sounds phony to me, like an artificial attempt to impress, you know?
Everyone Has Needs to be Filled
Your prospect will be impressed and remember you for trying to help them. If you are discussing your network marketing opportunity, ask them if they have tried this type of business before, and if so, what was their experience? Then listen. This one question will give you clues about how what you are offering can help them.
Find and fill needs. Don’t just do a song and dance presentation touting the great features and benefits of your home business. Discover needs, interests, and desires. Strive to help.
Always Focus on Giving Unselfish Value
Showing genuine interest and giving value to your prospects unselfishly is big. We are all human, and our tendency is often to want instant gratification. We spend time with a prospect, help them in some way, then we want them to sign up right away and reward us.
It doesn’t always work that way. Your rewards for providing value without immediate expectation of return can be summed up in this famous old phrase.
what goes around comes around
Follow these tips and be memorable! You will impress your prospects, and over time you’ll find that giving value unselfishly will bring much prosperity back into your life and business.
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Everyone has needs to be filled, these are magic words Eldon. as a coach helping small business owners thrive it’s all about listening and giving with the heart
This is the only real authentic attitude that drives prospects to us.
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Patricia – I appreciate your comment!