HBS 022: How to Advertise Your Business on Facebook Groups

facebook groups advertising

Advertise Your Business in Facebook Groups

Are you thinking about advertising your product or business opportunity on the Facebook groups?

There are thousands of groups on Facebook. The theory goes that by posting in these groups, you can get massive exposure for your product or opportunity. When you see a group with 10,000 members, you think, “wow this should be a good one to post in”. And so it goes.

The reality is, while many Facebook groups do get significant traffic, only a tiny percentage of the visitors will ever see your ad. There is a reason for this, and it’s something I cover in my podcast today.

It is quite possible to get fresh leads from these groups every day (more or less, depending on your offer and where you are posting).

In today’s podcast, you will learn more about:

  • which Facebook groups you should post your ad in
  • should you include links to your offer? (the answer is NOT obvious)
  • best practices for staying out of “Facebook jail”
  • choosing software for posting ads to Facebook groups

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Eldon Beard, Home Business Success Coach

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About Eldon Beard

Making money with a home business should be fun! I help others create a profitable global business from anywhere using an Internet connection and a phone. Send me a message and let's talk! Connect with me on Google+.

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