Starting a podcast seems to be all the rage these days. I know that I was skeptical about doing it initially, but a friend who is very successful with strong online presence convinced me to give it a go. I must say, it has been an interesting journey and I’ve done some tweaking as I’ve …Read More
HBS 021: Thinking About Starting a Podcast?
Filed Under: Podcasts Tagged With: home business marketing, home business promotion, online marketing, podcast, podcasting
Five Ways to Repurpose Your Blog Content

If you’re frequently posting good content to your home business blog, don’t let it stop there. You’ve already invested significant time creating this quality blog content, so why not re-purpose it and let it drive even more traffic to your blog? If you blog content is enlightening, educational, or entertaining (not just about your opportunity) …Read More
Filed Under: Internet & Social Media Marketing Tagged With: audio mp3, blog, ezine articles, home business blog, podcasting, traffic