Have you ever wanted to post something of value to your blog, but just got stuck and couldn’t think of a great topic? Call it “writer’s block” or whatever, it happens to all bloggers at some point, and can be very frustrating. Sometime it’s just having too much going on, other times it’s simply a …Read More
HBS 004: Do You Need a Blog to Promote Your Online Business?
Do you need to start a blog in order to have success with your online home business? That question inspires quite a bit of debate. Blogging is a responsibility, it takes time, and there are only so many hours in a day. So is maintaining a blog worth the time and effort it takes? Will …Read More
Speed Up Your Home Business Blog
When you visit your home business blog, does it seem to load slowly? Drag? Take a while to fully load all the images? If so it’s really a great idea to do some tweaks and help it to display faster. Why is this a big deal? Because you want your visitors to hang around and …Read More
How to Create Awesome Content for Your Home Business Blog
How do you create awesome content for your home business blog? How do you attract and get the attention of your ideal prospects? It sounds simple. You just give your visitors what they want. The key is knowing what your ideal prospects are looking for. Know and understand their concerns, and provide solutions and answers. …Read More
Best Practices for Home Business Bloggers
If you’re blogging to promote your brand or home business, you want to get found online, right? There are different ways to get people to visit your home business blog, but one key part of the mix is visitors from search engines. When someone visits Google and searches for a business or content like yours, …Read More
Home Business Bloggers: Getting Found in 2012 and Beyond
Are you a home business blogger? Are you creating and publishing content to help build your brand, and perhaps directly or indirectly promote your opportunity or products? You can create great content, and write really cool articles, but if nobody notices you or finds your blog, it doesn’t really help you much. Obviously. 🙂 Traditionally, …Read More
How to Increase Blog Traffic Using Forums
If you are looking for ways to increase blog traffic to your home business blog, don’t overlook the power of establishing a strong presence in forums related to your niche. In the same way that people use blog commenting to draw visitors, becoming a powerful contributor to forums related to your niche can get a …Read More
How to Attract Readers to Your Home Business Blog
Are you publishing a home business blog to build your brand and attract visitors and potential prospects for your product or opportunity? Let’s say you’re consistently blogging and writing articles in order to bring traffic and attention to you and what you have to offer. Problem is, you may have come up with lots of …Read More