You’ve taken a big step. You’ve decided to start your own network marketing or other home business. You know the importance of creating your brand and want to promote your business online, so you’ve decided to start a blog. Your blog should be focused mostly on personal branding and establishing YOU as a leader and …Read More
Is Trading Links Worth the Effort?
After you’ve published your network marketing or home business website, you will probably get occasional requests for link exchanges from other websites. These are simply link trades where Did you get some value from this post? If you did, I would really appreciate you sharing it with others! And, your comments are welcome below! Got …Read More
Filed Under: Internet & Social Media Marketing Tagged With: exchanging links, home business, reciprocal linking, site promotion, Website Promotion
Internet Marketing Techniques for Network Marketers
After considerable thought, I’ve decided to add a major new topic to my blog – Internet Marketing. I’ll be talking about a lot of different Internet Marketing techniques that can help Did you get some value from this post? If you did, I would really appreciate you sharing it with others! And, your comments are …Read More
Filed Under: Internet & Social Media Marketing Tagged With: Internet Marketing, online mlm, online network marketing, search engine optimization, seo, Website Promotion