You’ve taken a big step. You’ve decided to start your own network marketing or other home business. You know the importance of creating your brand and want to promote your business online, so you’ve decided to start a blog.
Your blog should be focused mostly on personal branding and establishing YOU as a leader and “go-to” person. This should be your priority. You use it to help build relationships and trust with people, and in the process, begin directing them toward working with you in your business.
Once you have this set up, you’ll want to start getting visitors (and potential prospects) to your blog as quickly as possible.
There are a number of effective ways to get traffic and visitors to your home business blog.
- search engine traffic, which doesn’t cost anything but requires knowledge of search engine optimization (SEO) and a good bit of patience, because you won’t get ranked for useful search terms overnight
- traffic from paid advertising, such as Google Adwords or other pay per click advertising programs
- traffic from visitors who see your link and content on social media sites and click through to learn more about you
Of the three, the fastest and smartest way to start getting traffic is through participation in social media communities. Unless you already have some experience with pay per click advertising, I can’t recommend you go that route just yet. PPC advertising is something you need to study and understand thoroughly before you try it, because it is very easy to spend a lot of money fast, without necessarily getting the type of traffic you want. Over time, you’ll want to apply some SEO (search engine optimization) methods – but for right now the big thing is to start getting some visitors as soon as possible.
Here is how I recommend starting out.
Establish your blog with a minimum of 5-10 good posts before you begin publicizing it. You want your first visitors to see some good content, not just one or two posts and a lot of empty space. Also, be sure you have an “About Me” page that tells more about you and what you’re doing.
Join a few major social communities like Facebook – but no more than you can stay visible and active in. For most people, this may be only 2-3 communities at first. Complete your profile (include a good picture) and put links back to your blog wherever they make sense – including in your bio.
Visit these communities on a daily basis and be a contributor. Comment. Answer questions. Start your own topics. Be helpful. Look at what the leaders and popular users are doing and emulate them, but in our own style and voice. Your best best is always to be genuine, and just be yourself.
Look for links to other peoples’ blogs in your niche and visit them. Make quality comments to their posts when appropriate. This creates more links back to your site, but be sure your comments are quality – short blurbs like “Great Post!” or “I Agree!” likely won’t be approved by many blog owners anyway.
This is how I recommend getting a good start with driving traffic to your home business blog – be social and contribute everywhere you can!
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Hi Eldon,
Great post! Thanks for sharing it to us. Yeah building your own blog must be your first task when you start a home business or network marketing business because a blog is your home base on the internet and it is where people get to know you better and learn more about your value through the content you share to your niche. On the process you are establishing yourself as the leader your prospects are looking for. For me this is the best way than to start with ppc because in ppc once you don’t get leads and you have exhausted your funds, you will be back on square one. But when you create a content, it will remain on the internet forever and will generate leads for you. And that is leverage. Thanks again Eldon =)
Eldon, it is a very good idea to use social media to promote your home business. If you sell a product that people like to chat about and give advice for example travel. When I went to my local shop this morning I notice they were using Facebook to promote local offers and business. Many thanks for your advice and tips on this blog.
Thanks Rosemary. More and more people, even in smaller and more conservative business communities, are coming online to promote their products and services. It is amazing how fast all this change has taken place, and the best is yet to come!
Hi Eldon,
Thanks for these recommendations!
We have very much enjoyed (after having a few posts in our blog and our social media profiles set up) working with tribes. It’s a great way to network with people with the same interests and a very effective way to get your content shared. It takes time and effort, of course, but the rewards are great also!
Thanks for sharing!