If you’re actively promoting your network marketing business with your own blog or website, you’ve probably seen claims coming from Internet marketing “experts” who claim that their software or techniques will get your blog or website to the top of search engine results pages (SERPS) for your chosen keywords.
Search engine optimization is big business today!
Because of the great demand from network marketers and other home business owners looking for effective ways to get traffic to their sites, there are a lot of people out there selling software and systems designed to get higher rankings for you in search engine results.
Claims like this are fairly common:
Get ready for an avalanche of traffic! You can now totally DOMINATE the first page of Google results by utilizing our incredible powerful software to blow your competition right out of the water!
You have to watch out when dealing with anyone who claims that they have “the answer” to getting more traffic to your site. Many people armed with a little knowledge go into this business with tools and methods that are not necessarily effective, and potentially detrimental to your search engine rankings if used improperly.
These methods can include:
- building backlinks to your site from private blog networks and link farms
- submitting to large numbers of low quality web directories
- creating social media properties with content linking back to your site
- selling software or services that automate these functions on a large scale
While some of these methods may have a place in the big picture, software and methods for “dominating Google” and the like are often sold based largely on hype and hope. Just about anyone can use automated software to build backlinks, mass submit to directories, and post content to large numbers of Web 2.0 sites. Doing this sort of thing can often lead to a temporary boost in search engine ranking for low-competition keywords, but the effect is usually short term and doesn’t last long.
Effectively boosting your search engine ranking requires an approach that takes many factors into account. Some of these include your market and what your potential visitors are searching for when they want to find products or opportunities like your offer. There is much more to effective website or blog promotion than just mass submitting automated backlinks and articles indiscriminately all over the place.
Use care when evaluating Internet marketing products that promise big improvements in search engine ranking. Your blog or website is your “home base” and brand on the Internet, and care should be taken to promote it wisely and professionally.
Message body: We are a leading India based SEO company providing the best search engine optimization services. We act as your business partner and helps you reach your business goals. We promote websites no matter who you are - a huge company with thousands of employees, a small business or a professional who offers professional / consulting services. Let us know if you are interested and we will get back to you with more details. |
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