Your success in MLM will be directly related to how effective you are at prospecting, presenting your opportunity, and sponsoring new downline associates. Speaking specifically about prospecting, there is a magic key to success with this. What if I told you there was a particular attitude you could adopt, that would dramatically increase your success …Read More
Don’t Let Fear and Hesitation Hold Your Business Back
Too many people in network marketing and direct sales let fear and hesitation hold them back from ever achieving what they started their business for in the first place. This is often centered around a fear of rejection or embarrassment. Whatever the reason, this lack of confidence can hold your business back and cause you …Read More
MLM Success – Beware of Grass is Greener Thinking
MLM success is what everyone in the business is looking for. Personal goals will vary but the ultimate desire is to sponsor people, make money, and enjoy success with the opportunity. If you’ve found an opportunity and are actively working it, you know that achieving success is hard work and doesn’t come easily. You have …Read More
Network Marketing Success is a Commitment
Network marketing success results from a combination of desire, proper training, and the willingness to take the right actions every day. It’s about deciding that you are going to just do it, and making a strong commitment to achieving your goals for your business. Along the way, you’ll want to work with your upline leaders …Read More
What You Must Have to Enjoy Network Marketing Success
To achieve network marketing success, there are some things that must be right before everything starts to fall in place. Some of the main keys to success are obvious – great products, rewarding compensation plan, an energetic upline team ready to help, and a proven system for success you can follow are big parts of …Read More
Is Your Network Marketing Business on “Someday Isle”?
Is your network marketing business sitting on “Someday Isle” waiting to happen? So many people start their business and then sit back waiting for certain things to happen. They have a mental list of just how things need to be before they really “go for it”. There is often a tendency toward “overplanning” and “overpreparation”. …Read More
Secrets to Overcoming Fear of Rejection
Just posted by Doug Firebaugh on Facebook this afternoon…wanted to share…excellent insight into how to conquer that fear of rejection that most everyone feels at some point… If you’re in a home business where you approach and interact with others, such as network marketing or direct sales, you’ve surely experienced this. Anyway, Doug has some …Read More
Network Marketing – Getting Out of the Starting Blocks
If you’ve just started a new network marketing business, you’re probably quite excited and enthused about getting everything in place before you begin actually talking to people and building your business. I can’t argue with proper preparation and organization Did you get some value from this post? If you did, I would really appreciate you …Read More