HBS 008: How to Get Prospects to Sign Up

What is the BIG question for network marketers, direct sellers, and other online entrepreneurs in “team building” opportunities? Certainly, “getting leads” is one thing that’s huge, but after you get the leads, how do you get them to sign up with you? Online network marketing and team building is not a totally automated process. It’s …Read More

How to Have a Successful Home Business

Is your network marketing or direct sales opportunity turning out to be the successful home business you had hoped? There are many factors that work together to create a profitable home based business. There is an abundance of excellent training and many resources available to you. Much is free for the taking, others require an …Read More

How to Get Found Online

As a home business entrepreneur, knowing how to get found online by your perfect prospects is essential to your success. The Internet is a big jungle, and it will only get more crowded and competitive as time goes on. Think about your potential prospects who are searching online for your product, or a business opportunity …Read More

Don’t Let Fear and Hesitation Hold Your Business Back

Too many people in network marketing and direct sales let fear and hesitation hold them back from ever achieving what they started their business for in the first place. This is often centered around a fear of rejection or embarrassment. Whatever the reason, this lack of confidence can hold your business back and cause you …Read More

Creating Your Online Home for Personal Branding

As an online network marketing or direct sales entrepreneur, you’ve heard about personal branding and the importance of establishing YOUR own niche and identity online. Part of this process involves setting up a WordPress blog and becoming active in social media to focus more attention on you and what you have to offer. Sounds simple, …Read More

Social Media Marketing Levels the Playing Field

Let’s talk about social media marketing, a big key to home business success, and how it can help you grow your income and prosperity to whatever level you desire. As I write this, we are moving into an unprecedented time of opportunity for all. The playing field has been leveled in such a way that …Read More

Facebook Users – Please Stop Doing This

There is an annoying trend among Facebook users who come on board primarily to promote home business opportunities and products. Armed with hope and good intentions, they try hard but  just don’t get it. Did you get some value from this post? If you did, I would really appreciate you sharing it with others! And, …Read More

Your Home Business – Staying on Track Through the Maze

Have you ever walked into one of those big “superstores” with the intention of purchasing a certain item, browsed a few other products and special deals along the way, and ended up walking out of the store with everything but the one thing you went there for in the first place? Sometime, efforts to build …Read More

Take What You Have and Get Your Home Business Up and Running

Have you ever known someone who planned to start building a home based network marketing or direct sales business, but just seemed determined to have “everything in place” before taking action? Perhaps you’re experiencing this. I know I’ve been there and felt that way. Starting a home business is fun, but challenging. Signing up is …Read More

Choosing the Best Home Business For You

This is an exhilarating moment. You’ve decided to start your own home business. You can feel the excitement and the hope. Now you face the big decision – what type of business do you start? Did you get some value from this post? If you did, I would really appreciate you sharing it with others! …Read More