How to Increase Blog Traffic Using Forums

increase blog traffic using forumsIf you are looking for ways to increase blog traffic to your home business blog, don’t overlook the power of establishing a strong presence in forums related to your niche.

In the same way that people use blog commenting to draw visitors, becoming a powerful contributor to forums related to your niche can get a lot of eyeballs on your blog and dramatically increase the number of prospects who stop by to see what you’re up to.

In many cases, establishing a powerful presence on quality forums can bring more targeted and qualified traffic than the same amount of time spent doing blog commenting. You can increase blog traffic doing both, but well chosen forums draw more traffic and have an advantage.

To bring this powerful traffic to your home business blog, follow these three steps.

1) Define your target audience. What is your blog about, and where would likely visitors be found? If you are in network marketing, for example, go to Google and search on keywords like “mlm forums” or “network marketing forums”.

Visit some of the forums related to your niche and see if they appear active and managed. Look for lots of recent discussions and activity, and a feel that the community is “alive”.

Look for spam and blatant ads. If you find a lot of them that are over a day or two old, the forum may not be well managed and the environment might not attract the quality users that you want to visit your blog. You cannot significantly increase blog traffic by participating in message boards that attract more spammers than legitimate users.

2) Create an interesting and compelling signature. The forums you want to participate in will allow you to create a signature with a link back to your blog.

Create a signature that draws visitors to your blog. Most forums allow you to highlight, bold, use colors, etc. so take advantage of that to create a signature that stands out. Ask yourself, when you have created your signature, would you click on your link if you were a visitor to that forum? Is it interesting?

3) Impress forum  visitors with your enthusiasm and leadership. Focus on answering questions that other forum members post. Start threads on popular topics that relate to what your blog is about. Be the person who stirs up interest in popular, relevant topics in your niche.

Keep any promotion and advertising to your signature, following the guidelines of the forum you are participating in. Don’t blatantly promote your product or service in your posts. The key here is showing leadership by being an active contributor whose first priority is helping others.

Lots of people visit these message board communities with the intention of getting leads, and use any opportunity to post something about how great their product, service, or opportunity is. Don’t make this mistake. You can get far more visitors (quality visitors) by being professional and focusing on being a positive and helpful contributor!

You can increase blog traffic to your MLM or home business blog by using forums. Just remember that the key is choosing active and well-managed communities, creating a signature that draws interest, and becoming a valuable and unselfish contributor.


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Eldon Beard, Home Business Success Coach

If you have a home business and are happy, that's good. If you are looking for the right opportunity, the right mentor, and something you can build online, I would enjoy the opportunity to share what I'm doing. Click here and let’s explore the possibilities.

About Eldon Beard

Making money with a home business should be fun! I help others create a profitable global business from anywhere using an Internet connection and a phone. Send me a message and let's talk! Connect with me on Google+.


  1. I have done a little with forums but not a whole lot. I appreciate your information here. I will share it with my team that are interested in using forums.

  2. Dont go straight in to a forum trying to promote your blog – like Eldon suggests, share ideas and advice with the community before you start any promotion tactics!

  3. I strongly agree with this post. Almost 90% of traffic to my blogs are from the forums. I use a lot of forums to drive traffic to my blogs, from “do follow” forum sites, to “no follow” ones. They are both helpful in generating traffic to our blogs (but of course, the “do follow” ones bring more long term results).

  4. Start branding yourself also before even trying it to others. Thanks for the suggestion! 🙂

  5. Danyelle Franciosa says:

    One of my problem in doing forums is that it really takes a long time for approval. Still forums are the best way to increase your blog traffic.

  6. This is very helpful! Mostly I used forum for backlinking and promoting but I only target all do follows and high pr. So far we always need to have a good reputation when we are promoting in some high pr forums. Anyways this information truly helps a lot thanks.

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