HBS 012: How to Use Traffic Exchanges Effectively

Traffic exchanges have been around for many years, and seem to be as popular as ever. They are touted as a great way to get leads and prospects for whatever you are offering with your online home business. I’ve always found them to be interesting, because you can use traffic exchanges effectively to get a …Read More

Frustrated With Posting Free Ads to Promote Your Business?

Are you out there posting free ads to promote your home business? I see a lot of people surfing the web looking for opportunities to make money. They find a program that sounds appealing, buy in, grab some ad copy and banners, and start posting free ads everywhere possible. There are lots of free classified …Read More

Use These Videos for YouTube Marketing

YouTube marketing is one very effective way to promote your home business opportunity online. One question I often hear is, “what type of video should I use to promote my business?” That is a great question, and for a long time I struggled with the answer to that one. What I have learned is that …Read More

How to Create Social Buzz for Free

Just wanted to take a moment today to let you know about two free tools that will help you create social buzz for your blog posts and content, and won’t cost you anything but a little of your time each day. There are a number of social sharing tools that carry a monthly fee. Many …Read More

How to Create Awesome Content for Your Home Business Blog

How do you create awesome content for your home business blog? How do you attract and get the attention of your ideal prospects? It sounds simple. You just give your visitors what they want. The key is knowing what your ideal prospects are looking for. Know and understand their concerns, and provide solutions and answers. …Read More

How to Increase Blog Traffic Using Forums

If you are looking for ways to increase blog traffic to your home business blog, don’t overlook the power of establishing a strong presence in forums related to your niche. In the same way that people use blog commenting to draw visitors, becoming a powerful contributor to forums related to your niche can get a …Read More

Do You Need a Blog to Promote Your Business Online?

Everyone talks about it….but as a home business owner, do you REALLY need a blog to promote your business online? Blogging is one way to establish your presence on the Internet and show the world who you are and what you do. Google and other search engines love frequently updated content, which is what a …Read More

How to Get Backlinks to Your Home Business Blog

Learning how to get backlinks to your home business or MLM blog is an important way to help your blog get found online. Backlinks are simply links back to your blog home page, or individual posts. These can come from any number of different places. They are good for getting direct traffic when someone sees …Read More

Seven Important Website Traffic Stats to Watch

Your website traffic stats will tell you a lot about how successful your marketing efforts are. There is a wealth of information available to you, and learning to watch these key stats will help you understand how to improve your site’s performance. Knowing what your stats are telling you helps you know what changes you …Read More

Five Ways to Repurpose Your Blog Content

If you’re frequently posting good content to your home business blog, don’t let it stop there. You’ve already invested significant time creating this quality blog content, so why not re-purpose it and let it drive even more traffic to your blog? If you blog content is enlightening, educational, or entertaining (not just about your opportunity) …Read More