What Separates Amateurs From Pros in Network Marketing?

I talk to prospects every day who express a desire to make money in network marketing. The unfortunate reality is, many of them will never make more than a few dollars before they give up and move on to something else. What happens? Certainly, there are a few who just aren’t suited to a “people” …Read More

How to Get Unstuck and Get Your MLM Business Moving

Last night I was talking to one of my downline team members who joined us about a year ago. He has a desire now to get his MLM business moving. He is struggling though because for a year he put off doing anything and kept thinking he would get started “soon” when the timing was …Read More

Have You Set Your Network Marketing Business Goals for 2012?

If you haven’t set goals for your network marketing business in 2012, it isn’t too late! I remember when I used to think I had to sit down no later than December 31 and write out my goals and plan for the next year in its entirety. Everything. Later, I realized that there is nothing …Read More