HBS 014: Blogging on Purpose for Success and Fortune

Publishing your own blog is a very effective way to get more traffic, more leads, and more sales and enrollments for your home business. From time to time, I go out and take a look at various home business blogs. There often seems to be a lack of focus. Sometime it seems that the blog’s …Read More

Blogging on Purpose for Home Business Entrepreneurs

Blogging is quite popular these days for promoting a home business online. Everyone says get a blog, right? The idea is that a home business blog is a great platform for building your own presence and personal brand online. So maybe you decided to start a WordPress blog. Congratulations, you have made a great decision! …Read More

Do You Need a Blog to Promote Your Business Online?

Everyone talks about it….but as a home business owner, do you REALLY need a blog to promote your business online? Blogging is one way to establish your presence on the Internet and show the world who you are and what you do. Google and other search engines love frequently updated content, which is what a …Read More