Blogging on Purpose for Home Business Entrepreneurs

Blogging is quite popular these days for promoting a home business online. Everyone says get a blog, right? The idea is that a home business blog is a great platform for building your own presence and personal brand online. So maybe you decided to start a WordPress blog. Congratulations, you have made a great decision! …Read More

Should You Start Your Own MLM Blog?

Starting your own MLM blog is one great way to differentiate yourself from all the other network marketers out there, and set yourself apart as a leader. With your own blog, you can offer your visitors and prospects a place where they can learn more about you and what you do. Network marketing is a …Read More

WordPress Security for Home Business Bloggers

Why is WordPress security important to you as a home business blogger? Perhaps you have a WordPress blog set up to build and promote your personal brand. Maybe you publish a blog that highlights your products and opportunity, or one that provides training and success tips. Whatever your purpose, keeping your blog safe and secure …Read More

Get Better Google Ranking With a WordPress Blog

Can you get better Google ranking with a WordPress blog? This question often comes up when home business people are deciding whether to publish a conventional website with just a few pages or go with the trend toward blogging. For the last several years, blogging and blogs have become all the rage online. It’s well …Read More

Creating Your Online Home for Personal Branding

As an online network marketing or direct sales entrepreneur, you’ve heard about personal branding and the importance of establishing YOUR own niche and identity online. Part of this process involves setting up a WordPress blog and becoming active in social media to focus more attention on you and what you have to offer. Sounds simple, …Read More