Are you a home business blogger? Are you creating and publishing content to help build your brand, and perhaps directly or indirectly promote your opportunity or products? You can create great content, and write really cool articles, but if nobody notices you or finds your blog, it doesn’t really help you much. Obviously. 🙂 Traditionally, …Read More
Home Business Bloggers: Getting Found in 2012 and Beyond
Getting Found Online – Recent Changes Affecting Search

For anyone interested in getting found online, I want to share an observation about some changes that are affecting search marketing in general. Getting found online when people search Google and other engines looking for what you are offering is the goal of search marketing. It can be a business opportunity, a product, or perhaps …Read More
Online Video Marketing for Home Business Success

Online video marketing is a very effective way to promote your home business and get found online more easily. Video is a hot item these days, and Google and the other search engines love it! Video also engages your visitors and gives them a better idea of who you are and what it would be …Read More
Do You Need a Blog to Promote Your Business Online?

Everyone talks about it….but as a home business owner, do you REALLY need a blog to promote your business online? Blogging is one way to establish your presence on the Internet and show the world who you are and what you do. Google and other search engines love frequently updated content, which is what a …Read More
SEO Best Practices for Home Business Bloggers

If you’re blogging to promote your home business, I’ve put together a few SEO best practices to use when creating your posts and pages. These tips are focused toward “on page optimization”, which means they are factors you can control. Other things come into play when determining how search engines rank your content, but this …Read More
SEO Strategies for Online MLM Success

Online MLM success is dependent on getting the word out about your opportunity, and attracting potential prospects and customers to your website or blog. The role of SEO (search engine optimization) strategies is getting visibility, and attracting as many qualified visitors to your MLM marketing site as possible. It’s about being found as often as …Read More
Link Building Strategies for Your Home Business Blog

There are so many link building strategies out there, it can be very confusing for new home business bloggers who are trying to understand how all this works. Since you want your blog to appear in searches for keywords that are relevant to your niche and the topics you blog about, link building strategies are …Read More
Get Better Google Ranking With a WordPress Blog

Can you get better Google ranking with a WordPress blog? This question often comes up when home business people are deciding whether to publish a conventional website with just a few pages or go with the trend toward blogging. For the last several years, blogging and blogs have become all the rage online. It’s well …Read More
Getting Backlinks to Your MLM Blog

Getting backlinks to your MLM blog is crucial, because without them, you won’t typically get the page one Google rankings that are so important. Backlinks to your blog can vary widely in quality. Some will do more to boost your site in the SERPS (search engine results pages) than others. It takes a lot of …Read More
Tips for Making Your Network Marketing Blog “Google Friendly”

Many network marketers create a blog or website to promote their business, then start looking at Internet marketing products that promise Did you get some value from this post? If you did, I would really appreciate you sharing it with others! And, your comments are welcome below! Got a minute? Take a look at what’s …Read More