What Are Free MLM Leads, Really?

Is there really such a thing as free MLM leads? From cruising around the web and reading various ads and headlines, one would think so! I have people who are just starting out in network marketing occasionally ask if there is a way to get cheap or free leads for promoting their opportunity. Certainly, there …Read More

Network Marketing Prospecting Tip – Be Memorable

How about a few network marketing prospecting tips to help you grow your business? It goes without saying that for network marketing and MLM entrepreneurs, prospects and leads are the life of your business. You just can’t make money and grow your income without them. When I say network marketing prospecting, I am talking about …Read More

How to Sponsor Business Opportunity Seekers

Are you ready to sponsor more business opportunity seekers for your MLM or network marketing business? Attracting quality business opportunity leads is a big deal, because the success of your home business depends on it. You can potentially go far just working your warm market, but beyond that, the dynamics change. Outside your warm market, …Read More

HBS 019: Is it Time to Quit Your MLM Business?

Many people who choose to start a home based MLM business reach a point where they wonder if they should quit. They may feel guilty about it, because of money and time already invested, but they find themselves seriously considering it. If this is you, don’t get down on yourself. Just understand that there are …Read More

HBS 015: Successful MLM Marketing 101

Successful MLM marketing – how do you stand out and lift yourself head and shoulders above the average “online MLM marketing crowd”? I dare say, even though local area network marketing is far from dead, the vast majority of people who start a network marketing or MLM business bring it online and consider online marketing …Read More

Be Sure Your MLM Prospects Understand This

When we as network marketers present our opportunity to MLM prospects, we tend to get a bit excited and paint quite an exciting picture of the income potential and the possibilities for financial freedom. There is nothing wrong with that, because the overall picture IS exciting and we want to convey the real potential of …Read More

How to Create Awesome Content for Your Home Business Blog

How do you create awesome content for your home business blog? How do you attract and get the attention of your ideal prospects? It sounds simple. You just give your visitors what they want. The key is knowing what your ideal prospects are looking for. Know and understand their concerns, and provide solutions and answers. …Read More

What About MLM Prospects Who Want a Local Sponsor?

Ever had a nice chat with one of your long distance MLM prospects, and had them express reservations about signing up with someone who doesn’t live close to their local area? Maybe they just came out and asked you if you knew anyone in their area they could sign up with? While this might not …Read More

Why Won’t Your MLM Prospects Be Honest?

Have you ever had the feeling that some of your MLM prospects just won’t tell you the truth? How many times have you had someone express an interest in your business, say they will take a particular action, then nothing happens? I really don’t believe that people necessarily intend to lie or be dishonest, but …Read More

What Your Network Marketing Prospects Want to Hear

When you call your network marketing business prospects on the phone, do you feel challenged? Are you sometime hesitant and not sure what to say? For this discussion, I’m talking about prospects who have either opted in to receive information about your opportunity, or have contacted you directly asking for more information about what you’re …Read More