When you call your network marketing prospects and leads, do you ever struggle with what to say? The usual approach is to strike up a friendly conversation, answer some questions about your opportunity, and begin building a relationship. That’s great, but it’s helpful to have some things in mind to ask your prospects. The type …Read More
Home Business Tip – Are You Being Genuine and Real?
Today’s home business tip is about how you present yourself to prospects and potential customers. There is a lot of training and teaching on how to “posture” yourself for success, but there is something here to think about. Are you being authentic and genuine as you go about promoting your home business to others? Are …Read More
Easy MLM Warm Marketing
Warm marketing is not easy for everyone who starts a home based MLM network marketing business. Conventional wisdom says “approach your warm market first”, and really that is good advice, but honestly many people haven’t yet developed the verbal skills and confidence to do this effectively. You DO want to work on improving your confidence …Read More
How to Approach Your Warm Market About Your Network Marketing Business
How do you feel about approaching your warm market about your business opportunity? Even if your plan is to focus most of your network marketing business building efforts online, it is still important to approach your warm market and let them know about what you are doing. I prefer to call my approach “warm market …Read More
Simple Posturing for Better MLM Recruiting
Are you out there in the MLM recruiting wars, trying to sponsor that special prospect who will be “the one” to help kick your network marketing business in high gear? Do you lay awake at night thinking about the possibilities if only a certain person would join your team? If so, how’s it going? I …Read More
Four Skills You Must Develop for Success in Network Marketing
Are you looking for a simple overview of the major skills you need to possess or develop for network marketing success, and home business success in general? Let’s take a look at four key skills that you need to develop. Did you get some value from this post? If you did, I would really appreciate …Read More