HBS 019: Is it Time to Quit Your MLM Business?

Many people who choose to start a home based MLM business reach a point where they wonder if they should quit. They may feel guilty about it, because of money and time already invested, but they find themselves seriously considering it. If this is you, don’t get down on yourself. Just understand that there are …Read More

Only One Way to Make Money With Your Own Business

Is there really only one way to make money with your own business? Absolutely. It’s really just three simple fundamental steps, which when followed, can almost ensure that you will be successful with whatever business you are doing. This short post today is meant to give you food for thought, and something to focus on. …Read More

Overcoming Fear of Prospecting in Network Marketing

How do you overcome a fear of prospecting for your network marketing business? There is something I’ve observed over time. I have worked with people who seem to have everything in place, mentally. They have a solid “why”, good written goals, and a desire to make money as soon as possible. But then, something is …Read More

Network Marketing Success is a Commitment

Network marketing success results from a combination of desire, proper training, and the willingness to take the right actions every day. It’s about deciding that you are going to just do it, and making a strong commitment to achieving your goals for your business. Along the way, you’ll want to work with your upline leaders …Read More

Fear of Rejection in Network Marketing

Do you feel that a fear of rejection is holding you back in your network marketing career? It’s very possible that it is, because this is perhaps the most common obstacle to “getting traction” with your business and starting to sponsor people and make money. After reading many motivational and self-improvement books over time, there …Read More

Secrets to Overcoming Fear of Rejection

Just posted by Doug Firebaugh on Facebook this afternoon…wanted to share…excellent insight into how to conquer that fear of rejection that most everyone feels at some point… If you’re in a home business where you approach and interact with others, such as network marketing or direct sales, you’ve surely experienced this. Anyway, Doug has some …Read More