Have you ever purchased some sort of online marketing training course, went through it, but not got the value from it that you hoped? I’m talking about any course that is designed to teach how to market something on the Internet. It can be your network marketing business, or maybe affiliate programs you promote, just …Read More
Getting Found Online – Recent Changes Affecting Search

For anyone interested in getting found online, I want to share an observation about some changes that are affecting search marketing in general. Getting found online when people search Google and other engines looking for what you are offering is the goal of search marketing. It can be a business opportunity, a product, or perhaps …Read More
Google Plus – Should You Join the Party?

Google Plus is the new kid on the block as far as social networks go. It is not getting a ton of discussion and participation from the home business niche just yet, but it’s still very new and appears to be growing rapidly. Google Plus is similar to Facebook and other social networking sites in …Read More
Online Video Marketing for Home Business Success

Online video marketing is a very effective way to promote your home business and get found online more easily. Video is a hot item these days, and Google and the other search engines love it! Video also engages your visitors and gives them a better idea of who you are and what it would be …Read More
How to Get Backlinks to Your Home Business Blog

Learning how to get backlinks to your home business or MLM blog is an important way to help your blog get found online. Backlinks are simply links back to your blog home page, or individual posts. These can come from any number of different places. They are good for getting direct traffic when someone sees …Read More
How to Get Found Online

As a home business entrepreneur, knowing how to get found online by your perfect prospects is essential to your success. The Internet is a big jungle, and it will only get more crowded and competitive as time goes on. Think about your potential prospects who are searching online for your product, or a business opportunity …Read More
SEO Best Practices for Home Business Bloggers

If you’re blogging to promote your home business, I’ve put together a few SEO best practices to use when creating your posts and pages. These tips are focused toward “on page optimization”, which means they are factors you can control. Other things come into play when determining how search engines rank your content, but this …Read More
More Topics to Blog About

Looking for more topics to blog about? All of us have “writer’s block” from time to time. Even the most accomplished bloggers will have occasions when their creativity seems to go dry. Use these as idea starters when you get stuck and can’t think of anything to blog about. Share a YouTube video (inspirational or …Read More
WordPress Security for Home Business Bloggers

Why is WordPress security important to you as a home business blogger? Perhaps you have a WordPress blog set up to build and promote your personal brand. Maybe you publish a blog that highlights your products and opportunity, or one that provides training and success tips. Whatever your purpose, keeping your blog safe and secure …Read More
Seven Important Website Traffic Stats to Watch

Your website traffic stats will tell you a lot about how successful your marketing efforts are. There is a wealth of information available to you, and learning to watch these key stats will help you understand how to improve your site’s performance. Knowing what your stats are telling you helps you know what changes you …Read More
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